Management Development Programs

Managing the resources of part of an organisation takes very specific skills.

We usually learn these skills from observing the managers we had, who may not have been the best examples in the first place!!!

Developing management skills takes commitment and practice.

Roaring Trade Corporate Training runs a series of Programs designed to do exactly that including:


Delegation: Effectively Allocating Work

This one-day program includes everything you need to successfully allocate work to staff so that it is understood, agreed to and held accountable.

Change Management: Transitioning the Organisation

How well does your organisation deal with change? Traditionally, change happened in short bursts, and was often followed by a longer period of stable operations.

Conducting Effective Performance Reviews

Do you have a consistent performance review process in your organisation, or does everyone do it a different way, and only to the best of their ability.


Coaching: A Management Skill

Coach, Role Model, Counsellor, Supporter, Guide...can your supervisors and managers benefit from developing these skills? Being a coach involves being a role model, sometimes a counsellor or supporter, and always a guide

Balanced Scorecard Basics

The Balanced Scorecard is an excellent tool for communicating, measuring, and executing a strategic management plan.

Budgets and Managing Money

For managers today, it’s essential to have a working knowledge of finance. We all play a role in our organisation’s financial health, whether we realise it or not.


Performance Management:
Managing Employee Performance

How do you manage for optimum performance? How do you create a motivating environment that encourages people to go achieve their best?

Talent Management - Extracting Your People's Potential

Talent management is all about how you manage your people's competencies, including how to identify your best people,

Risk Management

Each management decision always carries some amount of risk with it. Making changes, no matter how positive they may be, is always uncertain, unless you have an effective risk management strategy in place


Research Skills

You might think that research is only for scientists, but business research skills are essential when it comes to making management decisions based on FACTS!, or putting your business reports or business cases together.

Onboarding: The Essential Rules for a Successful Onboarding Program

A successful onboarding program can be the difference between an employee’s success and their resignation.

Orientation Handbook:
Getting Employees Off to a Good Start

One reason people change jobs is that they never feel truly welcome or a part of the organisation they join.


Meeting Management:
The Art of Making Meetings Work

Why don't meetings work? Lack of focus, hijacking agendas, conflict, poor communication, running over time and more seem to be the standard

Human Resources Training:
HR for the Non HR Manager

Many people need to be involved in the recruitment process without actually being in the HR Department.

Working with Generations:
Differences in the Workplace

How do different generations need to be managed in the workplace? These differences apply to how they are recruited,  performance managed and work with each other.


Facilitation Skills

It is impossible to be part of an organisation today and not have to present or run a meeting at some time or another. Staff meetings, project meetings, planning and coordinating meetings—they all need a clear purpose and firm hand to be efficient and effective.


Click here to see some of the organisations who have benefited from attending programs delivered by Roaring Trade Facilitators.

Click here to see Testimonials from some of those who have attended these programs.

Click here to meet some of our amazing Facilitators.