Budgets and Managing Money
For managers today, it’s essential to have a working knowledge of finance. We all play a role in our organisation’s financial health, whether we realise it or not. If managers don’t have familiarity with budgets and finances, they may be at a disadvantage as they sit around the leader's table. Understanding the cycle of finance will help participants figure out where they fit into their company’s financial structure, and how to keep their department out of the red. This workshop will familiarise participants with the key concepts of finance and accounting and help them prepare budgets with more confidence.
Highlights of what participants will learn:
Participants should be able to assess the financial performance and health of their area of responsibility, whether it is team, department, division or organisation;
Enhance their decision-making skills by integrating financial management concepts into their thinking;
Assess various software applications for managing finances;
Control the flow of money through their department;
Understand the budgeting process and forecasting techniques.
If you are responsible for planning for or managing the budget for any part of the organisation, or want to create a consistent budgeting process for your organisation, this is the program for you.
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