Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People
Do your staff occasionally have to deal with people who can get emotional in their communication, whether internal or external to the organisation? Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People will help participants identify some of the ways to deal with these situations, and look at ways they may be contributing to them. The course materials provide participants with strategies they can adopt, to use both with their peers and with external stakeholders.
Participants will learn to:
Find new and effective techniques for dealing with negative emotions
Develop coping strategies for dealing with difficult people and difficult situations
Recognise how their own attitudes and actions impact on others
Identify those times when they have the right to walk away from a difficult situation
Learn some techniques for managing and dealing with anger
If you deal with co-workers, customers or stakeholders who occasionally get emotional, or want to introduce a consistent conflict management methodology across the organisation, this is the program for you.
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