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19 Things I've Learned About Dealing With Challenges in Life and Business

Today’s guest blog comes from Karen Corban, Founder and Director of Universal Events, who have managed the tours of such luminaries as Jay Conrad Levinson, Chet Holmes, Mike Koenig, Brad Fallon, Alex Mandossian, Jay Abraham, Joe Sugarman, Keith Cunningham, Christine Commerford, Jeff Slayter and Kane Minkus.

Today she shares with us “19 Things I've Learned About Dealing With Challenges in Life and Business”

  1. Know that there will be obstacles and when they present themselves, also know you will get through them. Because when something happens that knocks you down, it's what you do next that counts.

  2. Every time you face a challenge you are also being given a gift of growth and learning - the challenges are inevitable; whether you get the gifts that come with them is optional (and up to you).

  3. Relationships end. And when they do, try to remember and be grateful for all the things those relationships have meant to you and taught you. Let go. Release any negative feelings and know that everything has a season.

  4. Stay true. Even if someone else is airing information about you that is untrue, refrain from being drawn into matching their negative energy with yours. It serves no-one. Their dirty laundry doesn't need to be your dirty laundry. Stay true to your values. Trust that your actions will speak louder than your words and dig deeper into your passion and your truth and turn that negative energy into motivation towards your true purpose.

  5. What you Focus on Expands. Notice your thoughts because what you focus on you attract more of. In my opinion love is really all there is. Even in business. When you act from fear, the very thing you fear comes about. When you act from love wonderful things can happen - are you up for the challenge to give this a go?

  6. Get into action. You can analyse "why" something happened forever and get stuck in a rut, or you can get up off the mat, find your core truth and start taking action - even if it is just a small action to start with. It's the meaning you attach to what happens that counts.

  7. Trust your intuition. When faced with big challenges and difficult decisions, trust your intuition. And if it doesn't seem clear at first. Ask. Ask for clarity. Find ways to access your intuition. Develop it. Get to know how it presents itself in your life. And then trust it. Stand in your power and act... even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else at the time. You will be amazed by what can happen next.

  8. Follow your passion. As a business owner you spend a lot of time working and thinking about how to grow or expand the business. It will be so much easier if you are passionate about your chosen field.

  9. Build Your Support Team. The people around you - your friends, your colleagues, your team, your network - are one of the greatest joys and gifts you will ever have. Build a great team and support network. Take the time to prioritise them in your busy day. Stay in touch. Say Thank You. Be straight with them. They will be with you in the tough times; they will give you wise counsel; they will have your back and they will be there to clink Champagne glasses with you in the good times too.

  10. Change can be challenging. You'll have days when you are confused, hurt and angry. Ask yourself empowering questions such as, "How can this be easy and what can I put in the place to make this a smooth experience?" Remember Focus on What You Want.

  11. You have an inner strength and are more powerful than you may, at times, believe and capable of more than you imagine. Remember that!

  12. Be kind to yourself and to others. Practise tolerance and compassion.

  13. Remember to have fun. The dawn always comes. Choose to see the funny side of situations. A good laugh or friendly smile can do wonders :)

  14. Choose to feel happy and choose peaceful thoughts. We choose our thoughts and responses to everything that happens in our lives.

  15. Write down 5 things you are grateful for each morning and notice the difference this makes to your day and your life.

  16. Give back. Making a contribution is one of the most profound ways I have found of overcoming a challenge. Look for the place where your passion and purpose intersect. Make a difference. It will help you rise above every challenge if you know what you are doing has a purpose. If you make the world your focus it puts your particular problem or challenge into perspective.

  17. Remember your problem is not all pervasive, permanent or personal. That's right, it won't last and not about all aspects of your life and it is not personal. You see, we are not our behaviours, who we are is much more than that.

  18. Never, ever give up. So many times I thought throughout my career: Is this worth it? Guess is. If you are on purpose then it's worth it.

  19. Engage a top coach, they will help to guide you if you have challenging decisions to make. This will be worth the investment in more ways than one and can be a great sounding board.

Karen Corban Managing Director Universal Events